Friday, October 26, 2007

I love lagartijos, so what?

Christopher, a friendly little fellow...

Lagartijos are small lizards that live all across my island, yes, MY island. They don't bite, attack nor eat animals / people. They help balance the ecosystem by eating ants, mosquitoes and certain leaves. Aren't they awesome?


Meche said...

This week I watched a Simpsons rerun at that "great" channel that we all "love" (Univisión), and the episode was about Bart adopting two eggs of a bird he killed, but when the eggs finally got open, two lizards came out of them instead of birds! You came into my mind right away! =)

Cristina said...
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Cristina said...

Hahahahaha, awww, thank you for thinking of me!

Univisión....what a piece-o-crap. Remember when it was called something else, it was local and good?

Meche said...

Yes I do!! I loved the jingle they had back in the 80's! "Tele-Onceeeeeeeee...Vívelo!!"

Btw, I think I have a picture of me when I was younger in which I was watching TV and the Tele-Once logo can be seen haha.