Sunday, February 3, 2008

Test Results

I took a test called the EXADEP (equivalent to the GRE) just in case I decided to do a master's in anything, also because my plan C was a master's in Speech and Language Pathology. I got the results last week

My score: 703
Max Score: 800
Score needed to be considered for the master's degree I applied to: 500
Hours spent studying for it: 0
Results: Laughter.


Unknown said...

Smoked it!

Meche said...

Crisa, voy a imprimir una de las fotos tuyas en donde sales comiendo y la voy a enmarcar para ponerla en un altar con velas y flores q haré en tu honor, pq un ser q es capaz de salir tan f-ing bien en eso SIN estudiar es hijo de Dios o algo.