Thursday, May 29, 2008

The day that was never expected pt 2

I know this blog isn't all positive. But I also need to express what is going on.

Something terrible happened...

Me and my family lost someone, someone who we have not even seen, someone who decided to show up unexpected but made us excited to have. This person was very much wanted, I couldn't wait to take care, teach and show him everything I could. All that came through my mind was "How could this happen?, how is my sister feeling?" There is nothing more hurtful than dealing with a situation you have no control on. And tomorrow, I have to pick her up at her house, take her to the hospital and hold her hand through these tough times.

These past 3 months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I wouldn't have known that all this had to come, all at once, one right after the other. It's sad that I can't share this with everyone, and yet I feel proud that throughout all this hurt I've been able to hold my head high and at least keep living. Breathe in, breathe out. This is hard, but the only choice is to be strong.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I must admit

...that today was amazing. First, I get a phone call at 7:11am informing me that the 4 tickets I wanted for graduation were ready to be picked up. I rushed over to campus and I got them! Meaning that everyone (6 family members plus Emilio) are going to my graduation. What a blessing!

Then, I had the best time with the boys at Old San Juan. So many funny stories to tell.

About 15 minutes ago, I checked my grades and got all As this semester! Finishing up my undergraduate life on a high note.

And tomorrow, ice cream with Dave (haven't seen him in a looong time) and/or coffee with Gloria (you all know Gloria is simply an amazing friend). Hooray for that!

I'm still itching about taking a trip somewhere, anywhere! Any ideas?

Monday, May 26, 2008

I can and will rock

I'm glad that I have such a good set of friends, who have supported me and are always there. Emi, I know you read this and I wanted to acknowledge your great patience, I can't wait until your skinny self comes home to have the best of times.

I played Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, at a friends house today. At first it seemed impossible to master, but I rocked. There were pictures taken so I shall update this entry when I get a hold of them.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. My wish is to get 4 more tickets for my graduation just so everyone can come. I know I might not get them all, but I will use my charming personality. Hehehe.

I met a new trainer at the gym today, very nice.


After thinking it was time to heal, I get hit with another punch. One that shows lies, complete disrespect, and conscious bad decisions. I wanted to write this, so I won't forget, although it's hard to forget since it was unexpected.

Now, it's time to heal.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Good things

Since I'm not typical happy Cristina I've decided to make a list of things that have made me happy this past weekend....

1. My niece's beautiful graduation (F is for feather!!) She helped recite the alphabet in English, and danced, she is such a great dancer. She has rhythm and an amazing knowledge of how her body moves. I wish I could dance like her! I'm so proud, she's amazing and ma petite fille (my little girl)

Nota a los boricuas:
uno de los niños que se graduó es hijo de CHEVY, e hicieron un intermedio de reggueton en el que el niño se vistió como su padre y le decía "Chevy, dale el gabillo!" Y habian bailarinas, no eran cafres, estaban bien vestidas y bailaron más hip hop que reggueton, asi que eso estuvo bien. Pero, diantre, no lo podía creer y a la vez me gustó y a la vez me sentía incómoda/entretenida. Guau, guau!

2. Saturday with the family, all day.

3. Making miis! My oldest sister got the wii console plus wii fit and we spent all afternoon playing, making miis and laughing at ourselves. My mom's mii and Lucy's mii are hillarious! They're identical!

4. Working out, 4 times a week. I'm so sore.

5. ¡La parada de Walgreens en el expreso! (The Walgreens Parade on the highway) so weird, but funny.

6. Coffee with Meche, and an awesome time chatting it up.

7. Hopes that I might get extra tickets for my graduation. Please!

8. French! Just because.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The night for giving up

I couldn't say it, but last night was terrible. There was a great deal of hurt that was involved, one that still lingers within me, and probably will for some time. I can't believe how someone could replace me this way, someone who I consider to be special.

Not a good day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Eres un charro (y yo peor porque me agradas)

Hoy comenzó el verano de los ejercicios. Oficilamente estoy inscrita en un gimnasio y mi meta es tonificar mi cuerpo y adquirir mayor fuerza para comenzar la escuela de medicina con buenos ánimos. Hoy fue el día de brazos, y ya me duelen. Pero, es un dolor rico, tal vez, ehhhh, si si.

Quiero disfrutar este verano al máximo pero hay una personita que está obstruyendo la felicidad plena. Si puedes leer esto probablemente sepas a quien me estoy refiriendo. Ya se acerca el fin de mes, hasta donde tiene para tomar su decisión (¿que si vienes o no charro de la vida?) y bueno, no se hace más facil cuando está comenzando a salir con una chica, a la cual le agrada. La frecuencia de sus salidas está aumentando y yo, como saben, me pongo "mala". Pero bueno, espero que se decida, (lo cual será un no, eso espero) y yo pues pueda dejarlo ir con dignidad. Es dificil cuando quieres a alguien, porque dejarlo ir no es un juego de muñecas.

Tengo dolor de barriga, ouchies! Espero que se me quite.

Todavía no se si voy a votar por Obama o Hilary en las primarias estadounidenses. y menos por nuestro gobernador.

Quiero jugo de acerola.

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm done?

It still hasn't set in that today was my LAST day as an undergraduate student at the Río Piedras Campus. Wow, I can't believe it's time to move on and start a new chapter in my life. I'm ready to take on more responsibilities and finally study what I wish to be in the future. It is scary, but it's what I've wanted for a long time.

After finishing my last Human Biology exam I called Hector and spent the rest of the evening with him and Chi. It's great to have time for good friends.

Tomorrow it's time to pick up my gown and tickets for the big graduation, and then a fun FREE classical music concert at night. Woooooo!

The time I spent at the UPR made me grow so much, I learned a whole lot of things, inside and outside the classroom. I'm glad that even in tough times I still kept pushing, I'm also glad I didn't change majors, hehe, even though I'll miss French too much. I'll probably head on over to the French Alliance offices and become a member, it looks like a great place to unwind and meet cool people.

I feel relaxed, optimistic and ready to let go of anything that will block my path. It's not going to be easy, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be fine.

Friday, May 16, 2008

¡Ay Caracoles!

Lo dice una señora sentada a mi lado mientras intento calentarme del frío de una oficina de un médico, en las afueras de un hospital. Gracias, queridas bacterias, por obligarme a resistir frío, ya que mi carrera me involucra estar dentro de hospitales y oficinas, bueno, me tendré que acostumbrar.

Lo mismo pienso al ver este girasol gigante en las afueras del patio de mi vecino, realmente el sueño de cualquier insecto y/o pájaro polinizador.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Debate @UPR

The first governor debate was held at my Campus' theatre. Only 3 candidates were present, Mr. Luis Fortuño made up an excuse, insulting the University's credibility. How can you do that to the best educational institution in the country? Good to know that you won't take care of its issues if you get to be governor. I'm not voting for you (for that and other reasons).

I tried to get in, but since the debate had already started when I got to campus, I only witnesed a heated argument between some girls that were desperate to get in and the people who were "working the door". I talked to a friend for a few moments and then headed towards the Law faculty for some lunch and study time at their ultra quiet library.

I'm still thinking about whom I will vote for in November. My sister seems like a better candidate, honestly.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's day began early yesterday with a visit from my sis. It was nice to spend some quality time with my family, even if we live in the same country our lives are very busy, but we always manage to spend time together.

The day started early with dancing, singing, and a rap from MC Cristina (in French, of course!) all part of a little "show" my niece put together, just like I did every Christmas Eve when I was a little girl. "Yo vivo Orgulloso de ti" was sung by me and my oldest sister, it was nice.

My sisters left and now I'm trying to catch up on homework and studying.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A star!!!!!

As I was leaving Starbucks with two of my sisters and walking towards the car we suddenly stopped when my sister said :"It's a shooting star!!" I looked up to the sky and I finally saw my first Shooting Star!!!!!!!!!!! It was very big, bright and after about 3 seconds it went away, It was so awesome! Highlight of the day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Last Day

Today I thought it would be a normal day at school, a test I wasn't looking forward to turned out to be extremely easy. This morning, my regular 10am class, Techniques of Oral expression for French, everyone was happy, we talked about vocabulary and did a fun activity in which we had to figure out if someone was lying or not. Tu mems! (You’re lying!) I said with excitement as I played along. Then, it was time to go, and Nadya (our professor) said: "Bon, c'est le final." What? The end? But! I was ready to take this class Monday and Tuesday. She wanted to end things early and with Diction and Phonetics also over, all I need to do is turn in the massive vocabulary document and I'm done with my French courses....for good. As I walked out of the Humanities area, towards Natural Sciences I realized that was the last time I was walking through that historical building with an intention to go to class. I felt sad, nostalgic, I remember when I finally was able to enroll in French 1 (because my school makes it very tough to enroll in language courses) my very first day was exciting! I knew a bit of French and that helped me a lot.

French makes me feel proud of myself, productive, satisfied and very happy. I can’t really explain, but ever since I was a child I would always enjoy being good at English and when I began French everything about it took me to a high. That high almost made me change majors, but I couldn’t ignore my love for health related sciences. I guess that’s what I’ll miss most about the UPR, I’ll always be grateful for that experience that could turn the worst day into an awesome day, just because I went to French class. The professors, the students, everything made me grow and learn much more than expected. I still can’t wait to step into a Francophone (yes, this word is in French) country and use my skills to communicate! I understand that probably only Emilio understands this, because he too shares a passion for languages (his third being Japanese). Everyone else thinks it’s silly, but to me it’s a passion that will never leave and I’m very proud of that.

Today, I got this e-mail:

Bonjour Cristina
Tu as eu un A a ton examen final et un A aussi comme note finale du cours.
Bravo et bonnes vacances


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Surprise! said Life

Wow! today I recieved some news that I can't believe. Hehehe, this is going on very frequently, that's just life letting me know that there will never be a dull moment. At least, these news are funny, I'm still laughing at Sam's reaction when I told him.

I'm getting close to the end of the long French Vocabulary Words document, that I had to create, only 15 words left. Sigh.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A few of my favorite things

I absolutely love going to the Post Office. I think it's so interesting and wonderful, all the hopes, desires and dreams that are sent through the mail. Bills are there too, but without the mail our lives wouldn't be so cool. I visited the USPS today, to pick up a package! That is even better. I wish my friends would write more letters and send more stuff, so I'm going to take the initiative over the summer.

One of the best things in life is chocolate ice cream with almonds, mmmm

It's awesome seeing traffic in the main exit, and knowing a great shortcut that no one uses.

I also had a great phone conversation with my dad last night. We talked for over two hours! I told him about the mean people from the doctor's office and he understood where I was coming from. He is also coming home soon, so I'm very excited about that. We even made plans to visit my new campus so he can see where I'll be hanging out for the next 4 years.

Next week involves 3 tests, and two written documents to turn in. Busy bee, I can't believe this semester went by so quickly, only two weeks left!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Jolly Birthday Emilio!

Te quiero, pescao'!