Saturday, May 3, 2008

A few of my favorite things

I absolutely love going to the Post Office. I think it's so interesting and wonderful, all the hopes, desires and dreams that are sent through the mail. Bills are there too, but without the mail our lives wouldn't be so cool. I visited the USPS today, to pick up a package! That is even better. I wish my friends would write more letters and send more stuff, so I'm going to take the initiative over the summer.

One of the best things in life is chocolate ice cream with almonds, mmmm

It's awesome seeing traffic in the main exit, and knowing a great shortcut that no one uses.

I also had a great phone conversation with my dad last night. We talked for over two hours! I told him about the mean people from the doctor's office and he understood where I was coming from. He is also coming home soon, so I'm very excited about that. We even made plans to visit my new campus so he can see where I'll be hanging out for the next 4 years.

Next week involves 3 tests, and two written documents to turn in. Busy bee, I can't believe this semester went by so quickly, only two weeks left!


Unknown said...

Yay, I liked this post! Hooray ice cream booo tests hehe, but you'll be fine. You're almost done with your bachelors!!!!!!

Meche said...

Sabes, llevo meses pensando en que me gustaría intercambiar cartas por correo con amigos, ya que esa tradición de enviar cartas se está extinguiendo. Btw, eso discutía los otros días en otro blog (sí, también estoy leyendo otro blog, pero no te las estoy pegando!!!).

If you need a penpal, I'm available. =)