Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Debate @UPR

The first governor debate was held at my Campus' theatre. Only 3 candidates were present, Mr. Luis Fortuño made up an excuse, insulting the University's credibility. How can you do that to the best educational institution in the country? Good to know that you won't take care of its issues if you get to be governor. I'm not voting for you (for that and other reasons).

I tried to get in, but since the debate had already started when I got to campus, I only witnesed a heated argument between some girls that were desperate to get in and the people who were "working the door". I talked to a friend for a few moments and then headed towards the Law faculty for some lunch and study time at their ultra quiet library.

I'm still thinking about whom I will vote for in November. My sister seems like a better candidate, honestly.


Unknown said...

hahahaha, make your sister a write-in!

Meche said...

Milhouse no sirve y nadie sirve. Aníbal...je ne sais pas. Los cuatros partidos son un desmadre y están llenos de analfabestias corruptos, incluyendo el partido del cual sólo apoyo su ideal (hint: no es el PNP, ni el PPD ni el PPR =0p).

Eso sí, felicito a los que fueron, Por lo menos tienen algo de pantalones y no se acobardaron por miedo a que les tiraran una babeada botella de Pepsi que pudiera arruinar sus trajes de diseñador.

Yes, I'm upset! Definitivamente, la mediocridad nos rodea...