Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm done?

It still hasn't set in that today was my LAST day as an undergraduate student at the Río Piedras Campus. Wow, I can't believe it's time to move on and start a new chapter in my life. I'm ready to take on more responsibilities and finally study what I wish to be in the future. It is scary, but it's what I've wanted for a long time.

After finishing my last Human Biology exam I called Hector and spent the rest of the evening with him and Chi. It's great to have time for good friends.

Tomorrow it's time to pick up my gown and tickets for the big graduation, and then a fun FREE classical music concert at night. Woooooo!

The time I spent at the UPR made me grow so much, I learned a whole lot of things, inside and outside the classroom. I'm glad that even in tough times I still kept pushing, I'm also glad I didn't change majors, hehe, even though I'll miss French too much. I'll probably head on over to the French Alliance offices and become a member, it looks like a great place to unwind and meet cool people.

I feel relaxed, optimistic and ready to let go of anything that will block my path. It's not going to be easy, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be fine.


Unknown said...

you should definitely not let french fall by the wayside! and I know how you feel, sort of haha. I was ready to go co-oping and take a good break from classes. You're gonna rock the med world!

Meche said...

Si vas pa la Alianza, me avisas porque hace tiempo me interesa meterme y también quisiera retomar mis estudios en francés. =)

Por otro lado, hay días en que no puedo creer que ya no ando por los pasillos de copu en estado de estrés por alguna campaña, o que ya no tengo que caminar hasta El Centro pa comerme unos chicken tenders y un chicken crisp del King Value Menu pa sobrevivir el resto del día, o que ya no puedo sentarme en mi esquinita de Humanidades a mirar a la gente y a pasar el rato mientras escribo.

Ahora, en vez de todo eso (entre otras cosas), trabajo full-time y ando en la maestría. Pero, aunque extraño muchas cosas de la iupi, la maestría me ha abierto unas puertas profesionales que copu no me abrió; aunque sí me abrió otra clase de puertas: las puertas al mundo de las relaciones interpersonales (trabajo en grupo, etc.).

Ahora entiendo mejor esa frase de la canción "Adiós" de Gustavo Cerati que dice: "Poder decir adiós es crecer."

In other words, welcome to the post-grad life! ;)