Friday, May 9, 2008

Last Day

Today I thought it would be a normal day at school, a test I wasn't looking forward to turned out to be extremely easy. This morning, my regular 10am class, Techniques of Oral expression for French, everyone was happy, we talked about vocabulary and did a fun activity in which we had to figure out if someone was lying or not. Tu mems! (You’re lying!) I said with excitement as I played along. Then, it was time to go, and Nadya (our professor) said: "Bon, c'est le final." What? The end? But! I was ready to take this class Monday and Tuesday. She wanted to end things early and with Diction and Phonetics also over, all I need to do is turn in the massive vocabulary document and I'm done with my French courses....for good. As I walked out of the Humanities area, towards Natural Sciences I realized that was the last time I was walking through that historical building with an intention to go to class. I felt sad, nostalgic, I remember when I finally was able to enroll in French 1 (because my school makes it very tough to enroll in language courses) my very first day was exciting! I knew a bit of French and that helped me a lot.

French makes me feel proud of myself, productive, satisfied and very happy. I can’t really explain, but ever since I was a child I would always enjoy being good at English and when I began French everything about it took me to a high. That high almost made me change majors, but I couldn’t ignore my love for health related sciences. I guess that’s what I’ll miss most about the UPR, I’ll always be grateful for that experience that could turn the worst day into an awesome day, just because I went to French class. The professors, the students, everything made me grow and learn much more than expected. I still can’t wait to step into a Francophone (yes, this word is in French) country and use my skills to communicate! I understand that probably only Emilio understands this, because he too shares a passion for languages (his third being Japanese). Everyone else thinks it’s silly, but to me it’s a passion that will never leave and I’m very proud of that.

Today, I got this e-mail:

Bonjour Cristina
Tu as eu un A a ton examen final et un A aussi comme note finale du cours.
Bravo et bonnes vacances



Unknown said...

Yay for A! :)

Unknown said...

omg, I'm probably going to cry on my last japanese class haha. It was bad enough dealing with the fact that after advanced 1 I'd be a whole year without a japanese class!! We've both come so far, though, Cris, that we can't just let ourselves forget. I still have two classes left but you better not ignore the fact that you practically know french as soon as you start med school. And who's gonna teach me french after I'm fluent in Japanes?! ahaha You are, that's who!

Meche said...

Wow...I felt the same way last year. La última vez que caminaré de este edificio al otro, la última vez que estaré en este lugar. I still miss my first two French semesters. Those were great. La clase que más me disfruté en la iupi fue esa. Era como entrar a otro mundo.

Pardon my spanglish, mais je suis mentally fatiguée. Great, now I'm speaking French. Mon Dieu! hehe