Wednesday, January 23, 2008

El Niagara en Bicicleta

As I get ready to go to school for my 10am class I decide to check the time on my cell phone, oh it's 8:45am, but wait, a missed call at 8:39am..... A number I didn't recognize. Usually, I don't return these calls, but since I'm expecting a very important call from my top choice medical school, I called back. To my surprise, a machine answers, "Thank You for calling the Medical Sciences Campus, at the University of Puerto Rico", Yay! I jumped, thinking it was finally my time for an interview, wrong! The Admissions secretary informed me that one of the letters of recommendation I had sent ( in November ) was invalidated, due to my intelligent Physics professor who didn't read the instructions and decided to name a "No basis for judgment" on 5 of the categories I was being evaluated on. She said that I was given a chance, to get another professor to fill out the evaluation form and return it as soon as possible at the Admissions office. It annoyed me, as I thought about how difficult professors are when it's time to ask them for favors. But, I didn't let it get me down and thankfully I found my Industrial Microbiology professor who gladly helped me. I rushed towards the train station, on my lunchtime, got off at Centro Médico and walked all the way to Admissions. Every time I walk there, I get a great feeling of nervousness and anticipation, I could be walking down those aisles with my med school books. I hand the letter to an admissions employee, only time will tell.

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