Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Washington Monument

I woke up, late, at 11:30am. After taking a shower I ask my sister if we are going out "I don't feel like going out.", she says "..but you guys can go right ahead." I ask my dad if he wanted to go and he didn't seem too excited about it. Great! , I thought, today was my chance to get out, explore the city on my own and hopefully meet new people too. I get ready , and before I go to the bus I see that my sister starts being mean saying that she doesn't know where she'll be when I get back. I thought she didn't wanted to go out. Then, I spend a few minutes getting my dad's borrowed cellphone number, just in case. That, made me miss the bus. As I saw the bus driving away, while I had a block left to arrive at the bus stop, I felt a bit discouraged. The next bus was coming in 40 minutes and being in 20 degree weather didn't sound so good, so I call my dad and tell him to open up for me, my sister, says that they're coming with me. Nooooooooooo! I really really wanted some time on my own. I came back to the apartment and told her that I wanted to go on my own and have my fun adventure, she didn't reply. The next bus was coming at 2:08 pm. I see my father and sister getting ready saying things like , "You tried to escape, huh?" , "Get ready quickly, before she escapes again!" It's 1:55 pm and I'm running out to the bus stop, they eventually catch up with me and we head out to the Washington Monument together.

My sister seemed a bit mad, I really didn't understand why. I don't need anyone joining me for walks around D.C, but it was fine if they wanted to tag along. We eventually arrived, got our tickets and went to the World War II Memorial (the pool was frozen!), right after discovering that we had to wait 30 minutes to go up the monument. She kept saying how she was not going up, but at the bitter cold, while waiting in line, she decided to go up. We eventually hugged and started making jokes, while a family from Argentina, standing in front of us, laughed. The winds up there were crazy ! And for some reason, there was this vapor coming out of the back of the Monument, a lot of people used it to keep warm and play around. When we got inside the security checkpoint our faces were red and my hands were NOT happy at all. On top of the monument we had the best view of D.C, making it worth the wait.

Then, we headed to the mall for a late lunch. My dad and me ready for some coffee. But after getting our Starbucks, my dad realizes that his coffee is not that cold, I go to the female barista, who apparently wasn't having a good day......

Me (Very nicely):"Hey, this is a bit cold, can you please warm it up?"
Barista: (Pissed)" What's that?"
Me: "A double shot espresso."
Barista: "I can't warm that up."
Me: "Ummmm, why?"
Barista:" Because the espresso comes out of the machine."
Me:"Then, why is this so cold?"
Barista:"I don't know! I didn't drink it!"
Me: (stares seriously at her)
Barista:" I can make it again for you."
Me:"Yes, do that."

She hands me the drink again and I ask if she wants the cold one back, "I don't drink that!" she says with her funny accent. Laughing, I take it and she replies :"Go 'head girrrl"

If you know me well, you are probably nodding as you know that every time I go to D.C something funny like this happens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cristina + cold anything = drama!