Sunday, March 30, 2008

Work, work, work

Today consisted of studying for my Bio exam next Friday and now, forcing myself to do a Sociology essay. I hate that class, not because the topics are boring, but because the professor's style is not stimulating. She doesn't want to know what we think of the topics discussed in class, so an essay (for her) is basically a copy-paste of what she said in class, boring!

I want new glasses. I've been using the same pair since middle school, and that's a bit frightening, hahaha! just because my vision hasn't changed that much over the past years and the new pair I bought on my second year of College disappeared, and was never found. Hopefully I'll have some time this week to go look at different styles and check the prices, fun!

This week, Nadya (one of my awesome French professors) will be in Paris working as an interpreter so Liliana Duluc will be filling in for her. I'm very excited. Duluc has been a French professor at the University for a long time, she hosts a radio show on Radio Universidad (The University's public radio). Her show is all about French music, not only from France but also from everywhere French is spoken. Her voice is lovely and the show brings a great variety of genres, it's insightful, too! So, I'll be early for class, with my French dictionary on hand.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Maldeamores (Love sickness)

Tonight, I saw this film with some friends. What a wonderful film!!! A Puerto Rican film, about the crazy things love can bring at various stages in a human being's life, depicting all the bad stuff that may happen with a contagious and smart humor. They paid attention to detail, letting me remember a door that used to be in my grandmother’s house and a clock that had a rooster, who shock his head, instead of the conventional needle. All the acting was great and wow, I can't wait to see it again! Go see it if you can, or wait 'til it comes out on DVD.

I'd like to publicly say that my new love is my French-French dictionary "Le Robert Micro". After much stress, and practically forcing a classmate to return the money I had given her for the “missing” dictionary. I decided to order it, it arrived in a week, and we've been happily together ever since.

Do not try this at home, or anywhere, just don't do it

It's weird when you begin reading something that makes you feel uncomfortable, something that you know you probably shouldn't be reading/ seeing, for happiness sake. Since I seem to enjoy testing the waters of my emotions, I came across the blog of someone who I've never met but know. It felt like going through my boyfriend's stuff and reading love letters from his ex, except that I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not reading any love letters, I'm reading a blog.

The Internet has brought me good things and bad things, I've met people with just the click of a mouse, and I've developed friendships thanks to instant messaging. But going through this person's blog just irked me out (irked, not a word, but let's continue). It was like reading through a teenager's diary, happy, sassy and just too fucking happy (I'm assuming this person isn't a teenager, probably in their 20s). Every single entry is "wow, hooray! I'm so happy, my friends, my house, blah, blah, blah" Then I asked myself how did this person come across someone's life, sure, you can't judge a person by their blog, but gosh what a creepy little "teenager". The most fun part is seeing some names being mentioned, oh that sparked something. I wish blogs were always private, that way; I'll never be tempted to read the "teen's" crap again! But I’ll probably will.

So kids, don’t look at just anyone’s blog, think, it’s really not the best idea. Ok, that’s off my chest now, sigh.

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's 2:15am

I should be sleeping, but I'm disinfecting the crap out of my room and using asceptic techniques (learned in my microbiology class) in order to try sleeping peacefully, for maybe 4 hours. Scared of germs? Not quite, but an alarming phone call from my sister and mother, sent me to the drug store to purchase a few items, that after reading the instructions I chose not to use. All that is left is to dry my hair and sleep, but no, I'm going to check again for evil stuff. These are the moments where I wish I had my own place to live.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

French Diction

After having not enough hours of sleep last night, I headed for school, talked about animals in my General Bio class and then headed for the fun part....French Diction test! I did well, I was a bit nervous and screwed some of the words, but the professor said that I did well, and was very prepared. Then he said, "Good job, but I must say, your R is too strong" (Refering to how I pronounce it). Wow, a french man told me that my R was too strong. Sure, it might seem trivial to you readers but it's quite dificult to get the sound right, and instead of working on it, I have to tone it down.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Brain

I've always been very good with languages. (So modest, huh?) I started learning English at age 3 and by the time I started first grade, I was already bilingual. My interest for French began at adolescence, I found this language to be very smooth, elegant, and so intriguing. I began taking courses when I was in middle school. Then, when in College I decided to immerse myself and attempt to be trilingual...but now I feel like I'm hitting a rut. It seems like the more French I learn, the more screwed up my head gets. Now, instead of thinking in two languages (English & Spanish) like I always have, I'm thinking in three. Sure, this would make a language student feel proud, because thinking in the language you want to learn is a good indication that you are learning it correctly, and your mind is assimilating it. But! It makes me think twice when I'm using my other two languages, I catch myself beginning a phrase in French and ending it in English. After a while this has become a bit frustrating. So now I'm trying to find ways of separating the 3. I'm hoping that this is a normal step that will be surpassed with time. I'm trying really hard to stick to one language when I talk to my bilingual friends , like Mr. Emilio !

Nerdy comment: I'm so excited for my Phonetics test tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Telephone weirdness

I'm a bit shocked, when a friend from school calls me Sunday. My phone wasn't with me, so my 5 year old niece picked it up, she hands me the phone and I tell my friend who she spoke to earlier...

"Oh, I thought that was you." My friend says.
"No, no, that's my 5 year old niece." I reply.
"She doesn't talk like a little girl."

This is the third person who has told me this.

Tu choisis quoi?

Il parait que les voyages en train finissent mal en général
Si pour toi c'est le cas accroche-toi et garde le moral,
Car une chose est certaine y'aura toujours un terminus.
Maintenant, tu es prévenu: la prochaine fois tu prendras le bus.

"Les voyages en train" Grand Corps Malade