Sunday, March 30, 2008

Work, work, work

Today consisted of studying for my Bio exam next Friday and now, forcing myself to do a Sociology essay. I hate that class, not because the topics are boring, but because the professor's style is not stimulating. She doesn't want to know what we think of the topics discussed in class, so an essay (for her) is basically a copy-paste of what she said in class, boring!

I want new glasses. I've been using the same pair since middle school, and that's a bit frightening, hahaha! just because my vision hasn't changed that much over the past years and the new pair I bought on my second year of College disappeared, and was never found. Hopefully I'll have some time this week to go look at different styles and check the prices, fun!

This week, Nadya (one of my awesome French professors) will be in Paris working as an interpreter so Liliana Duluc will be filling in for her. I'm very excited. Duluc has been a French professor at the University for a long time, she hosts a radio show on Radio Universidad (The University's public radio). Her show is all about French music, not only from France but also from everywhere French is spoken. Her voice is lovely and the show brings a great variety of genres, it's insightful, too! So, I'll be early for class, with my French dictionary on hand.

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