Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Brain

I've always been very good with languages. (So modest, huh?) I started learning English at age 3 and by the time I started first grade, I was already bilingual. My interest for French began at adolescence, I found this language to be very smooth, elegant, and so intriguing. I began taking courses when I was in middle school. Then, when in College I decided to immerse myself and attempt to be trilingual...but now I feel like I'm hitting a rut. It seems like the more French I learn, the more screwed up my head gets. Now, instead of thinking in two languages (English & Spanish) like I always have, I'm thinking in three. Sure, this would make a language student feel proud, because thinking in the language you want to learn is a good indication that you are learning it correctly, and your mind is assimilating it. But! It makes me think twice when I'm using my other two languages, I catch myself beginning a phrase in French and ending it in English. After a while this has become a bit frustrating. So now I'm trying to find ways of separating the 3. I'm hoping that this is a normal step that will be surpassed with time. I'm trying really hard to stick to one language when I talk to my bilingual friends , like Mr. Emilio !

Nerdy comment: I'm so excited for my Phonetics test tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ay mija don't worry about it (see? spanglish!) haha. Fortunately for me, japanese is different enough so that it doesn't interfere with english or spanish or maybe it's coz I haven't taken japanese in more than a quarter T_T Anyway, I always got excited for my language tests too.