Monday, March 24, 2008

It's 2:15am

I should be sleeping, but I'm disinfecting the crap out of my room and using asceptic techniques (learned in my microbiology class) in order to try sleeping peacefully, for maybe 4 hours. Scared of germs? Not quite, but an alarming phone call from my sister and mother, sent me to the drug store to purchase a few items, that after reading the instructions I chose not to use. All that is left is to dry my hair and sleep, but no, I'm going to check again for evil stuff. These are the moments where I wish I had my own place to live.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

havin' your own place to live sure has its perks like how you can walk around naked and stuff like that, oh, and you don't have to worry about what happened unless it happened to you.

still think you should try the boy cut! hahaha jk coz what if you end up lookin like yusi?!?!