Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Talk.../Train story/ Wants

Doing group projects makes me see my work ethic and my sometimes perfectionist character. And since we've been working on an Ecology investigation, I've been conscious of how I am. Late at night while I work on the report, at campus with two classmates one says:" Well, it's safe to say that you're the leader of the group, you rally the troops, organize, and hey, we're both big guys and we're scared of you....haha, joking!" No, I don't think he was ...joking. I really like doing things right, especially with school work and I don't enjoy slackers so I try to keep group projects organized, because when everyone knows what they're supposed to do and where they stand, it's a happier world. I'm glad to be working with 3 wonderful classmates, who are also very very fun. That, can also affect my private life, while I try to deal with people who don't do things with time to spare and then put up stupid excuses that could have been avoided if you just did what you had to do with TIME. I'll let them do what they want, but I'm not sticking around for that, Vous comprenez?

After that little but truthful rant....

At the train this morning, an old man tried to have a conversation with a 19 year old BOY. The boy, wouldn't talk to him, he'd just stare at the old man while he talked about his travels, gas prices, cooking and the old times. I wish that boy would've talked to him. Old people have so much to say, I remember being fascinated with my gradmother and grandfather's stories about growing up and how life used to be. I miss them.

I want to go to the beach. I also want chocolate ice cream from Ben & Jerry's (with almonds!!). It's been awhile since I've visited my friends over there.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Desire to retire

Are you ?: male, pale, skinny skinny, have a strange nose (big or small), smart, thoughtful, weird teeth and will most surely make my friends roll their eyes at me? Then come on down and give me a call, I'd probably think you're cute.

Last night, as I joked and laughed with Emilio and Gloria online I showed them a picture containing the image of a certain male figure that makes me sigh with desire every Tuesday and Thursday. "It's the one with the blue shirt and..." I try to explain, "Hahaha, already guessed it!" Emilio replies. Today I thought I'd be smart and show Emilio a picture of a friend who I used to have a crush on when I worked in Mayaguez..."well you really do have an interesting taste in guys but, hey, whatever floats your boat, right?" Emilio replies. Dammit! I thought this guy would surprise Emilio, make him believe that my tastes in men are unpredictable, mysterious, but he knows me too well to be fooled.

And it seems weird when I'm surrounded by some girl friends saying, "You're too pretty to like ugly men." What? well, ummmm, I think they're cute. It even passed on to my family, especially my oldest sister who at a dinner jokingly resented me saying that I'd probably marry a "extranjero" who spoke English or worse....French. "I'll pick the guy that speak French" , I said with a giggle. She then said that if I was to ever have children with this man, they'd be very different. "Gotta mix up the gene pool!!", was my reply.

I like what I like, I shall not apologize for my tastes, and i guess everyone else will have to get used to it. :) Voilà!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Don't procrastinate

Yesterday, while strolling through the Humanities area, I saw an ad for a concert. Puerto Rico's Symphony Orchestra at the university's theatre WITH a young pianist. Great! I thought. After class, I walked to the Cultural Activities office to get my ticket, Now, tickets are given/sold directly at the theatre, being tired and a bit far away, I decided to get them today. To my surprise, tickets were sold out yesterday, great! I haven't been to a classical music concert in a while and I really need it. I was even more sad when one of the guys who works at the theatre said that last night's performance was "Amazing!" Bah! :( I looked through the calendar and saw another concert from the Symphony Orchestra, this one in May....

Me:"Are tickets free for students (for this show)"
Lady:"Nope, and this one is expensive!!!"
Me:" :(!!!!!!!"
Lady:"We always get a few free tickets, you can always check back later."

Ugh, it bugged me. The good thing I got from that little letdown was that I was able to get CHEAP tickets to see Los Rayos Gamma. So! I will, next Wednesday with my mommy, she's extra excited because she loves them, and I was glad to be able to buy her a ticket.

On other news, my niece, who now is a karate champion, kicked my leg twice and after the second time, it stung so much that I had to ice it. Yes, a five year old.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


¡Recoge, Reusa, Recicla!

Today, we took two computer monitors to a recycling center. The monitors were just sitting around in my house. I didn't know we had so many. It was very rewarding. As we drove up to the site, we didn't even had to get out of the car! We popped open the trunk and the volunteers took the goods. We even got cool bottles for water and pink rulers!

I had fun last night, passed some of my limits, and some guy asked me to marry him. the end.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today was a better day, I held my head a bit higher and found more time to talk to my older sister about the situation. Even an exchange of words with a guy who was talking on his cellphone in the library was uplifting and awesome.

It's funny how when you're in the worst of situations you find out who is really there for you and who isn't. Who cares and who pretends to care. I found that out. It hurts to not have support from some who you thought would always be there. But I guess that's life. My stomach is in knots and I can't believe how actions are speaking louder than words.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The day that was never expected

This week has been fine. I've been trying to deal with some issues, which were completely overshadowed with a phone call. I sit at the library, working on an investigation with some classmates, when I see that my oldest sister Alma is calling. She says that she needs me to be the best I can be, and I don't understand why she says this, surely something has happened. My curiosity can't wait, I tell my friends to keep on working while I head outside the Natural Sciences library in order to speak to her properly. I'm not expecting very serious news; once I'm in the lobby she says IT with an uneasy voice. I can't believe what she just said, my stunned face made some busy students look at me with wondering eyes. I immediately run to the back of the building, where there aren't many passing by and just curl up into a corner like a toddler who had just been punished. Every emotion rushes in, frustration, fear, concern and disappointment. I knew I’d said that 2008 was going to be a year of change, but I was only referring to my life as a graduate student and the fun times ahead with friends and family. Now, I understand that ANYTHING is possible, even from the people you least expect it. I also feel lied to, but I will deal with my emotions like I always do, so when the one person who needs to share this with me does, I won’t make her feel worse with my reaction. It’s tough to look at my mother who sits unaware in our couch, thinking that I’m just upset over trivial things. I need a big hug; I also need to get away for a while. Anyone want to travel?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

La fiesta de siempre

Estaba escuchando la radio, sintonizé a estereotempo y de momento el locutor dice: "Ahora les paso a la locutora que está desde Hacienda." ¿Hacienda?, pienso. Efectivamente estaban transmitiendo desde el Departamento de Hacienda, claro, porque todo el mundo esta entregando las planillas hoy, ya que hoy es el último día. Lo que se escuchaba en el fondo era un chorro de gente diciendo :"woooo", aplaudiendo y tocando unos pitos. Aquí se hace fiesta en donde sea. Ah, y tenían hasta carpas de promociones. Que risa.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Hunt

I went out with some friends last Saturday to a very popular College bar that I've never been to, and thought I'd share this. For a few moments Gloria and I were left alone, we decided to stay at the stage area where an OK band was playing. Then, a minute after we take our spots a guy comes over, stands next to Gloria and pretends he's looking for someone. I notice he keeps getting closer, glancing at us, looking for any sort of welcoming stare. I laugh, men with their silly fear of getting "shut down" (a fear we all experience) resort to those techniques. Gloria and I joke about it and just keep listening to the music when all of a sudden I realize that two guys are standing next to me, doing the exact same thing! Whoa, what's going on? Look in front of you, there are two other guys in front of us smiling. Now, I ask myself if we're the only single girls at that bar or is this just a mechanism that I wasn't aware of. Usually, when I go out, there is at least a male friend who… I'm assuming, scares off a couple of guys from attempting an approach. I'm felling surrounded, pretty soon one of them is going to jump, exposing tiger like features, and will probably kill one of us. We danced for a little while when all of a sudden, Gloria gets a call, it’s Victor and of course we have to leave in order to get some decent reception, as we leave I hear an “Oh, man, why are they leaving?”. Pues, mala suerte.

My sister wants to be a secret spy

After many phone conversation with my oldest sister Alma, I find out that she's searching for our old family roots. I'm completely shocked by all the facts she tells me, after having a long conversation with my mother. She wants names, phone numbers and answers to many questions that I've personally never cared for. Between my concerns and laughter I tell her to stop that investigation and focus on other things....like flowers, and swimming. Her curiosity, being bigger than mine, cannot stop now. My sister has a way of making everything be funny, she always makes me laugh. I remind her: "El que busca encuentra asi que deja la mierda." She promised she'd stop, let's hope she goes. Haha!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Racial Confusion

For a late lunch after school, I visited one of my favorite Chinese food places. I’ve been visiting that restaurant ever since I can remember, now referring to it as “Dad’s Chinese food restaurant”, simply because my father used to take me there all the time. As I wait for my food, the non-Chinese waiters talk amongst themselves…

Old lady: “I think they’re Koreans.”
Young lady: ”They might not be.”
Old lady; “Well, tell me, what other races are Chinese as well?”
Young lady: “Ummm…Japanese people…..”
By this point I need to cut in….Me: “Vietnam, people from Vietnam are not Chinese.”
Old lady: “Oh yeah! Those are the ones that do my nails !!!!!!”
Young lady: “Mine too!!!!”
Old lady: (to me)“But they are Chinese, they look the same!”
Me: “They have similar physical characteristics that might not be distinguished by us, but if you ask your co-workers (The Chinese men that are cooking right behind them) they’ll tell you they look way different, because they can tell the difference.”
Old lady: (looks at me with a confusing look on her face)

Well, at least I tried.

I was very embarrassed at French class when I couldn’t say something right, my professor makes me nervous!

It was very pleasant taking the train this morning. I got up early and even had the chance to have a relaxing breakfast while watching the Weather Channel. I was practicing my French phonetics at the train when a girl comes out of nowhere and starts talking French to me. How awesome! She’s a graduate student at the University and loved her French courses when she was an undergrad. I was so happy to talk to her for a good 15 minutes.

FYI: Kany Garcia’s CD is very good. Great songwriting complemented by her beautiful, mature voice.

Oh! Today I made cupcakes with my mom and my niece. They were yum.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's!

Today, I was very aware of what could happened. Zahíli tried, and eventually got me on her second try. I invented this screwed up story about Sam, fooling her and Joz. Sweet accomplishments!